Monday, January 17, 2011

The CRAP being written about Nursing Problems

So here we go. Nursing. BLECKKK!!! I am retired early and glad for it every day. Johnson & Johnson seem to lead the way in caring. Personally, I think THEY should step in and help figure it out and they are doing a SURVEY, however, many do not realize that an employed nurse, will not say anything negative about her/his workplace, fearing punishment. I am aware becasue I have been there.
Yes, and also "suits" controlling Nursing Administration??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I worked at a Physician owned and operated hospital and I can tell you this. They treat the nurses better, because THEY KNOW who the backbone is. They were kind and understanding right up to the President of the hospital. Others facilities just refused to put the "big whigs" on the phone!!
Next, the levels so to speak that hospitals like to give you for experience always want you to have that experience under THEIR roof! So it doesn't make any difference at all if you know what to do with a patient whose guts are falling out, they do not want to pay you or entitle you as a proper level 4 RN AND put it on your badge. It needs to be on the badge, so younger ones know who to go to.
STOP thinking a couple of thousand bucks paid LATER is a good sign on. INSULTING!